About FSA
“Be part of the largest fluorochemical project development in the southern hemisphere”
Fluorchemicals South Africa Pty Ltd reg; 2021/941514/07 “FSA”, was incorporated as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) in 2021 with vision of supporting the country to develop a sizeable fluorochemical industry. FSA was founded by executives and entrepreneurs with executive and operational experience in the Fluorochemicals, Energy, Manufacturing, Pharmaceutical and government sectors . FSA was incorporated to develop, own and operate a cumulative 100 000tpa fluorochemicals plant in South Africa. The commercially scaled plants will produce high purity Anhydrous Hydrogen Fluoride (AHF) by 2027, elemental and Fluorine mixtures (F2), lithium salts including LithiumFluoroSulfonylImide (LiFSI), polymers including PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) & PolyteTraFluoroEthylene (PTFEs), and refrigerants including Hydrofluoro-Olefins (HFO) and by 2030
Project Cape